Artist of the Month: Natalie Paraskeva

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Hi Natalie! What inspires your work as an artist?
My main inspiration comes from my moment-to-moment experience as I begin to create a new piece. I engage in a mindful practice, welcoming awareness, fluidity, spontaneity and acceptance to support the evolution of each artwork.  I never pre-plan my designs, but instead let them develop organically from my own innate inspiration and present moment self-expression.

What medium do you like working with best, and why?

The minimalist in me loves working with black ink.  It’s a clean, predictable and streamlined medium.  It allows you to create delicate, honest and detailed pieces, with very little room for error.

The maximalist in me, however, loves working with acrylics.  They offer great versatility and flexibility, which encourages boundless experimentation and creativity.

How long have you been an artist for?
My creative journey began a decade ago.

What do you like best about having your work with us at SOTA?
It is an honour to be part of a progressive organisation that is passionate about supporting local artists. SOTA is a real treat for the senses – the food is excellent, the interiors are eclectic and the artworks are nothing but stunning.  All the staff are wonderful also, with a special mention going to HJ who is an absolute dream!

And our most important do you like your steak?!

Medium rare, all day every day!

More on this artist can be found here: